Jo Marney describes herself as the 'Bad Girl of Brexit'

Further to the news we broke about Henry Bolton’s alleged affair with younger woman Jo Marney, his own Mum doesn’t appear to support her sons decision.

When asked Sheila Bolton, 79, said her family was appalled at her son’s behaviour. She told The Daily Telegraph: “I am not going to make any comment but his three siblings – I have got four children – are devastated.”

Asked if she thought it improper and embarrassing that her son was in a relationship with a woman much younger than him, she is reported to have said: “You might say that; I couldn’t possibly comment. I am not going to make a bad situation any worse.”

According to senior UKIP sources he had only met Miss Marney at a UKIP party on Dec 16.  One stating that: “They are head over heels in love…they met at the Christmas party and by then the marriage to Tatiana was already over.”

Not sure his Mum has seen Miss Marney’s wet look, yet!