MP’s Reject “Leave the EU Immediately” Petition

MP's reject the public call.


MP’s have rejected a petition signed by 137,000 people calling for us to leave the EU immediately.

Under British Law when a petition on the official government website reaches more than one hundred thousand signatures Parliament must debate it.

The official response from the government was:

“In leaving the EU the Government will seek the best deal for the UK maximising the benefits from leaving the EU – control over our borders, laws and money – while maintaining the greatest possible access to EU markets and continuing to work with our European neighbours on common problems. After withdrawal, the UK will bring an end to the direct jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the United Kingdom.

“The Prime Minister has been clear that the days of Britain making vast contributions to the European Union every year will end. The European Commission has set out the European Union’s position on the financial settlement, and the Government is undertaking a rigorous examination of the detail of this.

“The Government has already introduced legislation to ensure the UK exits the EU with certainty, continuity and control. A smooth and orderly exit is in the national interest and further legislation will be introduced to deliver that.”

The petition which was launched in September, called for the government to “Walk away from the Article 50 negotiations and leave the EU immediately with no deal”.

Jenny Chapman, Labour’s shadow minister for Exiting the EU claimed: “Nobody voted to be poorer, and to lose their job, for chaos, to be less safe, that is what would happen if we accepted as we are urged to do, the petition.”