Things are getting interesting inside UKIP.

Mike Hookem - Speaking at UKIP Conference

Former UKIP assistant deputy leader, Mike Hookem MEP, has slammed the party’s scandal-hit leader, Henry Bolton, accusing him of “attempting to shut the party down” and working towards “establishment aims” that are divergent with those of the party membership.

Speaking from Brussels, Mr Hookem said Mr Bolton “was either utterly deluded” in thinking he can cling to power; or “had an alternative agenda in silencing the only political voice speaking up for the 17 million people who voted for Brexit.”

“UKIP is now in a state of paralysis due to this man’s failure to resign; with branches closing down; members leaving in droves, and years of hard work in the party’s grassroots being undermined.”

“Bolton could not have done a better job of shutting down UKIP’s opposition to a Brexit betrayal if he was a fully paid-up member of the Lib Dems,” said the outraged MEP.

“Bolton cannot be totally blind to the damage he is causing within the party due to his arrogant failure to resign. Therefore, in my opinion, he must be working towards goals that are utterly divergent from those of its membership.

“This is the only explanation for Bolton’s continued refusal to resign since his failed attempt to divert the blame for his failures onto the National Executive Committee and those resigning from his cabinet.

“The fact is, many of the members who are leaving at the moment are still committed to Brexit; still committed to working toward UKIP’s stated goals; but don’t want to be represented by a man who is a political and personal embarrassment.”

“Frankly, I don’t give a hoot who Henry is or is not in a relationship with. The only thing that matters to me is working towards the wants and needs of the membership in achieving real change in the UK, free of EU interference.”