EU: Brexit deal is a gentleman’s agreement

EU confirm David Davis statement on brexit deal.

David Davis Courtesy - Wikimedia Commons

The EU have confirmed that the new deal is not legally binding and that the two countries have “Shaken Hands” on the deal.

On Sunday the Brexit Secretary said guarantees on the Northern Ireland border were not legally binding unless the two sides reached a final deal.

But he told LBC Radio on Monday they would be honoured whatever happened.

Mr Davis said he had been taken out of context when he appeared to tell the BBC’s Andrew Marr that guarantees designed to avoid a hard border on the island of Ireland were a “statement of intent”.

“What I actually said yesterday in terms was, we want to protect the peace process, want to protect Ireland from the impact of Brexit for them,” he said.

“I said this was a statement of intent which was much more than just legally enforceable. Of course it’s legally enforceable under the withdrawal agreement but even if that didn’t happen for some reason, if something went wrong, we would still be seeking to provide a frictionless invisible border with Ireland.”

A European Commission spokeswoman said the first-phase deal on the Northern Ireland border, the divorce bill and citizens’ rights did not strictly have the force of law.