Tory rebels supported by Labour

Tory Revel allies with Pro-Remain Labour MPs

Dominic Grieve
Dominic Grieve - Tory MP

The government is facing the threat of a defeat by rebel backbenchers when MPs vote on its flagship EU legislation.

Led by former Attorney General Dominic Grieve – a Conservative MP – the rebels want to insert a legal guarantee that MPs should get a vote on any final Brexit deal before it is finalised.

The amendment, which will be backed by Labour, will be debated later.

Brexit Secretary David Davis has written to Tory MPs but Mr Grieve said it was a “dialogue of the deaf”.

Prime Minister Theresa May has just set out her case during Prime Minister’s Questions:

Tory rebels are not resorting to using the labour whips to bring in support for their amendment – this could lead to Brexit being stopped via the back door.

The Government has no majority and relies on the DUP for support – there are enough Tory pro-remain MP’s to bring down brexit via a commons vote.

This is worrying for any Brexit voter and supporter.