ONS figures released today show a fall in NET migration from the EU to its lowest levels in 16 years

The number of people arriving from the EU now stands at its lowest level since the year ending March 2013, according to the figures published by the Office for National Statistics.

The difference between how many came to the UK and how many left the UK fell by 48,000

The ONS did state however that:

“EU net migration has fallen since 2016, although more EU citizens arrive long-term than leave; this is because of a gradual increase in EU citizens leaving as well as a decrease in those coming to the UK over the same time period”

” In the year ending June 2019, long-term international migration continued to add to the UK population as an estimated 212,000 more people came to the UK with an intention to stay 12 months or more than left the UK (net migration). Over the last year, 609,000 people moved to the UK (immigration) and 397,000 people left the UK (emigration).”
