BLAIR caught out on the NHS

Former PM has egg on his face again when discussing the NHS...


Tony Blair said on BBC Radios’ flagship morning show, Today “There are European staff that are leaving the NHS”.

The former Labour leader, who is desperately trying to relaunch himself into domestic politics, is left with egg on his face after figures show more EU nationals are working in the NHS, rather than leaving it.

Figures from NHS Digital show a different story..

Post 30 June 2016 Post 30 June 2017
Doctors 9,695   10,136
Registrars 3,190   3,215
Trainee Doctors (foundation years 1 & 2)
779   950
Nurses and health visitors
20,907   20,618
Midwives 1,220   1,247
Ambulance Staff 250   386
Scientific / Therapeutic / Technical
6,112   6,957

You can listen to Blairs’ grilling below:

The recruitment of staff has been slowed due to the introduction of English Language tests.

These tests were set to be “watered down” in late 2017, following complaints that the tests were too difficult.

However, the Royal College of Nursing said “we would firmly oppose any changes just to plug the workforce gaps. It must be robust and command the confidence of the public”.

Feature Photo credit is Chatham House, shared under CC BY 2.0