UKIP’s Jill Seymour hits back at Lord Adonis

Jill Seymour: Lord Adonis is a Negative Thinker

Jill Seymour MEP 2017

Jill Seymour – Member of the European Parliament for the West Midlands today welcomed Lord Adonis’ resignation, as he obviously appears to be a negative thinker.

The country should be endeavouring to work towards a return to successful international trade and not trapped solely within EU control.

Lord Adonis is a part of our country’s elite who is pro-HS2, pro-Remain and he ridicules the 17.4 million leave voters who are the democratic majority, which is increasing daily due to the negative contribution being made by Lord Adonis and his like-minded colleagues. It is his contribution to the white elephant project HS2 that has brought so much despair and misery to thousands of individuals, whose homes, livelihoods and businesses have been destroyed by this extortionate and out of date project.”

“It is ironic that he accused Theresa May of being UKIP’s voice in Westminster – had this been the case she would have walked away on June 27th 2016 and saved our country a multi billion pound one sided divorce bill. She would also have had the confidence to cancel HS2 and focus on our NHS and housing crisis, which are UKIP’s objectives”.

Lord Adonis should again note the 17.4 million (Popular public opinion) are proud of our tolerant society and heritage.