FA Adopts “Positive Discrimination”

FA to follow new crazy Positive Discrimination rules.

Martin Glenn became head of the FA in 2015

The FA today announced it will adopt the ‘Rooney Rule’ as Martin Glenn outlines his 2018 plans.

The Football Association will interview at least one applicant from a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic background for future roles in the England set-up.

Chief executive Martin Glenn said the move showed the “FA is for all”.

“What it will say is the opportunity to have a career beyond playing is something that the FA is serious about promoting,” Glenn told BBC Sport.

“The FA wants to become a more inclusive organisation where the workforce more represents the people who play football today.”

The move will apply to jobs across England teams but BAME applicants will still need to show they meet the relevant recruitment criteria.

The FA following this new kind of identity politics will now leave football at the hands of political correctness and the end of meritocracy in sport.